Sunday, June 8, 2014

Needs More Dojo passing 10k downloads!

Recently Needs More Dojo passed 10,000 downloads on the JetBrains plugin repository. This consists of new users and of course users upgrading from previous versions. Still, it's a pretty exciting milestone for me personally. I'm very happy with the response that the NMD plugin has seen, and have received a ton of great feedback, feature requests, and bug reports.

I did go a very long time without updates (5 months or so?) other than an update for IDEA 13.x, but 0.7 did have features and bug-fixes in it that I was happy to finally release. Hopefully the next version will come a lot sooner. I haven't used Dojo as heavily as I'd like in the past few months, but that is going to change in the near future.

One thing that's been extremely useful to see is the distribution of downloads among the different JetBrains products (courtesy of their reporting tools):

I exclusively use IntelliJ IDEA, so that's where most of my testing has occurred. However this chart shows that the while it is a majority of downloads, PhpStorm and WebStorm are critical to test as well.

Thanks again to everyone who has used Needs More Dojo!