Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New directions

Hey everyone,

I'm out of school (for a bit) and working at a C# shop for the summer, so you'll probably see some C# issues crop up, although I'm still doing Java web development on the side. I might be rolling out some small WCF-based projects to learn. Maybe rewrite my chemical database project using it. That could be fun.

As for the Recordings project, we came up with a "feature complete" schedule which lists all of the tasks needing completion before we could consider pushing to production. Looks like we still have a few more months left (although we did make pessimistic estimates ... isn't that what you have to do though...)

As for myself, I'm focusing on some revamped security logic. I think I mentioned our very simplified security model in a post about Mockito, but we decided that it needed to be expanded. For example, our users are able to like/dislike (or vote up/down if you want) songs, recordings, and comments on both of those. Before we just limited the user to a certain number of votes per day, but they could still vote more than once.

This time, we're making it so that we track user activity so they can't do that until we delete the user activity entries (every X days or so). This functionality is almost done, in fact, the logic is all there. All that's missing is the Hibernate mappings and the actual data access. Right now the data layer is basically stubbed out. Mostly because writing Hibernate mapping files and data classes is very tedious and not as fun as the rest of it. But we'll get to it eventually.

Stay tune for more exciting programming related updates in the Near Future...

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