Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hosted issue tracking with Eclipse integration


Since the project we're working on is a good size, we've decided to go with an issue tracking solution instead of trying to remember everything. Since neither of us can guarantee uptime on a private server with an issue tracker (such as Bugzilla) installed, we resort to hosted solutions.

And since we're just starting out, working on a free project (for fun), and have limited funds, we would like a very low (== free) cost solution as well.

And finally, we've gotten into really making our IDE integrated. We have our source control plugin (MercurialEclipse), Ant (automated deployment), and it seems natural to have an integrated issue tracking solution as well. Luckily, Eclipse comes with Mylyn, which provides an interface for issue tracking inside Eclipse. So all we need is an issue tracker that:
  • Is free for 2 people
  • Is hosted
  • Has a Mylyn connector for Eclipse
We would also like it to integrate with Mercurial. But you can't have everything.

After looking around and almost giving up, the solution I found was Unfuddled.

Let's take a look at what they offer compared to our requirements
  • Free for 2 people? Yes, <= 2 people get the issue tracking for free
  • Hosted? Yes
  • Mylyn connector? Yes, and it's stable and has good documentation. 
  • (just for fun) Source control integration? Git and Subversion. So no Mercurial. But it's hard enough finding a solution that fits the first three!
So far I'm pretty excited about using it, it seems very useful and what we're after. But let's see if I think the same thing 3 months in the future... 

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